Meetings and Events
The Isla Seca Hotel has a personalized service and a professional track record that guarantees every event a success; be it social or corporate. Moreover, it offers expert catering services with an assortment of coffee breaks, breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, cocktails as well as other options, depending on the needs of each event.
The hotel has 2 comfortable meeting rooms overlooking the bay of Zapallar equipped with the entire tech necessary for holding a productive corporate or social event, such as multimedia projectors, backcloths, blackboards, flip-charts and Internet connections.
The Isla Seca meeting room holds 30 persons, whilst the Mar Bravo room is capable of seating up to 60 delegates.
Para el desarrollo de reuniones, seminarios y eventos, el hotel cuenta con 2 cómodos salones y todo el equipamiento técnico necesario.
Salón Isla Seca: 6 x 7,8 m / Salón Mar Bravo: 7,3 x 18,3 m
- Proyector multimedia
- Telón
- Pizarra
- Papelógrafo
- Conexión WiFi